When are Push Campaign Audiences Calculated for Different Types of Push Campaigns?


The push audience is calculated 2 hours before a push campaign is scheduled to start sending.

At the time the audience is calculated it uses the most recent user data available at that time:

  • For User Profile filters the data is refreshed 4 times per day.
  • For User Behavior Filters the data is refreshed every 20 minutes. 

Different scheduling options for push campaigns affect when the audience is calculated. 
See below for a description of each scheduling type. 

1. As soon as possible

The audience is calculated when the campaign is launched.


2. At the same time worldwide

The audience is calculated 2 hours before the campaign is launched.


3. At the user's optimal time


The audience is calculated 2 hours before the day starts in the earliest timezone (UTC +14).


The audience is calculated 2 hours before the day starts in the earliest timezone (UTC +14).

The time window for sending this type of campaign is the date specified in the dashboard worldwide, i.e. from the time specified in the earliest timezone to the same time in the latest timezone. 

This means there can be a large difference between the time the push audience was calculated and when it is sent for users in Western timezones. 



4. At the specific local time of the userScreenshot_2021-03-11_at_12.14.37.png

The audience is calculated 2 hours before the day starts in the earliest timezone (UTC +14).

The time window for sending this type of campaign is the date specified in the dashboard worldwide, i.e. from the time specified in the earliest timezone to the same time in the latest timezone. 

This means there can be a large difference between the time the push audience was calculated and when it is sent for users in Western timezones. 

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